We made a film about fishing the famous 'boils' on Rutland Water, then snook up the South Arm to 'hunt' for grown on trout. Yours truly managed to winkle a superb silver rainbow on a very special floating fry pattern. Beautiful fishing, quietly rowing into position and casting as rising fish in hot flat calm conditions. The water clarity was amazing and it reminded us of sight fishing for bones and permit in Cuba, wonderful fishing, but tricky 'catching'.
We did a number of fly tying videos and some beginners tips videos, aimed at novices and done in a fun and (hopefully) interesting way. I'm no fly tying expert by any means and in the stress of filming..oh it's tough in front of the cameras, I managed to forget half of the tyings and completely left out the body from a Humungus fly! "Never mind", says Graeme, "it's your personal variation", well that's true! :)
The Totally Awesome Fishing Show is great fun to do and to watch. Graeme is a natural presenter and both he and Mike are such great guys, and this comes across brilliantly on film. It's the TAF show's 3rd Birthday and they've had something like 16 million hits since they started. It's the most watched fishing channel on YouTube and on TV come to that. and they do all for free!
Rutland Fly Fishing Adventures is proud to be part of the team and we hope to continue doing videos into the future.
Here're the current ones, but look out for all the new shows with me , Mike and Graeme. Featuring some innovative camera work using slow motion and underwater techniques, drone technology and GPS mapping of Rutland contours, amazing stuff!
And they're website announcement, with good references to Rutland Fly Fishing Adventures
Rutland guide Rob Waddington teamed up with the
Totally Awesome Fishing Show to make TEN FILMS in just over 24 hours !!
The point the
“Awesome Army” love about our films is that we are not continually
ramming tackle items down their throats. You often see people constantly trying
to flog tackle and bait and to be honest most of it you don’t even need. We get
dozens of private emails from seniors, youngsters and novices who have used
some of our Totally Awesome tips to get their PB’s (personal best) of various
species and that makes it worthwhile. If there is a basic, cheap, free, simple
bait or technique that catches you a fish why on earth would you want to waste
good money on the latest gizmo or gadget. You would do better trying to get
some experience of water craft, talk to other anglers on the fishery, and spend
that money on a day ticket of a good water to gain experience. There are others
out there, like me, who probably take great pleasure in still catching fish on
an old school bait or technique.
In those
three years since we started, the financial traffic has all been one way, at an
ever accelerating rate, as more computers,
On the fishing front I had an enjoyable session
with Wayne last Sunday on Southsea (Hampshire) promenade. I was trying a new
mini rig I devised for small baits and it got me a couple of small wrasse a
bass and another bass bite missed. It’s a deffo rig to be used again and I hope
to return. Wayne assures me it’s a very good mark for mixed species, and it’s
convenient to the car as well. We had a day flyfishing at Rockbourne
trout lakes in Hampshire, somewhere I had not visited for about
30 years. Great place for some visual stalking, and under new management. Then,
on a whim, I fired off up to Rutland with Mike where we fished and filmed our
eyeballs out, and in just over 24 hours had recorded no less than TEN
different films!! Rob
Waddington was the guide, and we had some good action out on the water, watch for
the upcoming films. More films scheduled this week, so keep checking Facebook
or the site, and don’t forget the special 2 new series going up as an
anniversary treat tonight (Mon 11th August).
We might
still be the new kid on the block as far as YouTube films are concerned, as
many sites have been running for years. Yet in that short space of three years
we have raced away with views and subscribers (it costs nothing to subscribe,
free to watch, just hit the button) and often more than TWO brand new films
a week going up. If you like what we do, and I know many of the adults really
do appreciate the huge amount of work we put in, then keep spreading the word,
and make “THE TOTALLY AWESOME FISHINGSHOW” the best in the
world. No need to watch TV….if you want to catch fish, we’ll do the best we can
to tell you. Good luck out there……..Graeme
Waddington’s great tips helped me land this Rutland beauty!
Wow what a week. Really enjoying the fly fishing
lately. The recent trip to see guide Rob Waddington at Rutland Reservoir was
Awesome to say the least! Not only is it stunning scenery, but when the fishing
kicks off….it REALLY kicks off! First time I had used super fast sinking line
over what they call “the boils”, the takes were aggressive as the trout were so
pumped full of oxygen from the big pumps. It was great fishing and I really
enjoyed it, Rob’s a great guide and a good laugh, I will be back for more
Rutland Rainbows soon!
Bit of a crazy day today, edited three videos in a row. As I type this my eyes are blurred from looking at a screen all day! I have started this new thing we like to call “MIDWEEK MADNESS”
The Guys and me also have a bit of fun like this comment from Graeme...

WATCH OUT for some drumming action from Big Bad Rob coming up in a fishing video soon!
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